Kids Wisconsin Badgers Tees 3 6 9 12 18 24M Baby, Toddler, Youth
Wisconsin Badgers Newborn, Infant Baby Apparel – Creepers, Onesies, Baby Tees (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 Mo)
Welcome to the new Wisconsin Badgers fan in your family! Let the new tradition grow with his or her first Wisconsin Badgers onesie / creeper.. The kid has style and fashion straight from the crib until the coming days when they are cheering during the big games that lie ahead. Wisconsin Badgers baby apparel is an adorable way for the young fan in your life to show his or her team spirit! We review Online retailers who carry baby clothing for professional and college sports teams. Review and compare the merchants who carry Wisconsin Badgers 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, and 24M baby onesies, creepers, tee’s, knit caps, bibs, bonnets, jerseys and more… Toddler apparel in sizes 2T, 3T, 4T, and 4T is available for purchase as well.
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Reviews Of Stores Who Carry Wisconsin Badgers Baby, Toddler, and Pre-School Apparel

Fanatics – This Online retailer was founded back in 1995 and has earned the trust and consumer confidence through years of reliable service. They carry a fine collection of baby and toddler apparel for University of Wisconsin fans. While the baby or toddler in your life may not quite understand what being a Badgers fan is all about, the seeds will be planted and soon the child will be rooting on the Badgers with the rest of your family! Listed below are store policies that we recommend looking over to find out which retailer best serves your needs.
Shop Wisconsin Badgers Newborn, Infant, Baby Apparel By Size
0-12M – 12-24M
Also Browse Wisconsin Badgers Kids Gear
Preschool Kids Wisconsin Badgers Gear
In addition to newborn baby, and infant Wisconsin Badgers onesie, creepers, and tee shirts, kids NCAA gear is available for 500+ teams!
Store Policies at Fanatics
Return policy – ONE YEAR – Yes, 365 days are given to all of their customers to return any items that they aren’t satisfied with for either an exchange in size, to pick out a different item, or for a full refund. Having a full year to return an item is especially helpful when shopping for newborn babies, infants and toddlers. When you are shopping well in advance of upcoming arrivals, birthdays, etc… it’s hard to know which size you should have gotten. You can return the unused items in exchange for a different size.
Orders status – Yes, they have an onsite order tracking system that allows you to see when your items have shipped and when you can expect your delivery’s arrival.. You can also speak with a customer service rep at any time if you have any questions about your order.
International shipping – Yes. Sports Fanatics ships to over 100 different countries (different delivery fees will apply)
Delivery charges – $4.99 flat rate 3 day shipping. For 3 (business day) shipping a $4.99 flat rate fee is very good when you consider that is the total charge regardless of how many items you add to your shopping cart. On top of that, if your order exceeds $75.00 the entire shipping fee is waived and your order will ship for free.
Wisconsin Badgers Onesie & Newborn, Infant, Baby, Toddler and Preschool Clothing comes in sizes : 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M 2T, 3T, 4T, Preschool 4, Preschool 5, Preschool 6, Preschool 7 and Preschool 8. Apparel is available for both boys and girls.
Infant Apparel :
Creepers / Onesies
Pink cheerleading dresses
Pink apparel for girls
Infant knit hats
baseball style hats
Bib and bootie sets
Jersey creepers
Baby Tees
Toddler apparel : Pittsburgh Steelers jerseys, t-shirts, jackets, pants and jersey sets, long sleeve shirts, shoes, pants, sweatpants, gripper socks.
Website Security – 128 bit SSL technology. All you need to know about this is that 128 bit SSL is the latest and most reliable Online security software being used to keep your private information safe.
Shop All Baby, Toddler, Kids/Youth Wisconsin Badgers Apparel Available
Also View Wisconsin Badgers Onesie, Creeper, and Baby Tees from Fans Edge
Fans Edge – This is one of the best Online stores in the business.. They carry a huge selection of officially licensed professional and college sports apparel. They have been in operation for over 15 years and in that time they have built a large consumer loyalty base through excellent customer service and generous store policies.
Return policy – 365 days. Up until recently they always had a 60 day return policy. They have since then matched “Sports Fanatics” 365 day return policy giving their customers a full year to return unused items for a full refund. If you will be shopping for babies on the way or the quickly growing toddler it is very convenient knowing that you won’t be rushed to make an exchange or return if the clothing doesn’t fit!
Order tracking – Yes, they have 24/7 on site order tracking. Simply log in to your customers account to gain access to your orders tracking info. They also have a customer’s service number to answer any questions that you may have.
Delivery fees – $4.99 flat rate fee (covering the entire order). If your purchase total exceeds $50.00 your entire order will be delivered free at no charge. Their “flat rate fee” or “free” shipping only applies for standard ground shipping (takes approximately 7 days to receive your order). If you need your order expedited over night or 2nd day air there will be a higher charge for this service.
Wisconsin Badgers Onesie & Baby apparel available :
Newborn and infant boys and girls creepers, sleepers, onesies, t-shirts, jerseys, bootie sets, knit hats. socks.
Toddler and preschool apparel available : Toddler and preschool size tees, jerseys, long sleeve shirts, hoodie sweatshirts, jackets, sweat pants and shirt sets.
Guaranteed satisfaction : They don’t have a rewards program so to speak. However, they give consumers confidence and an incentive to come back and shop with them again. If you have to return any item, you will receive $10 in store credit.
International shipping – Yes, they ship globally
Wisconsin Badgers Onesie, Creeper, Sleeper, Tee Shirts available in – 0-6 Mo, 6-12 Mo, 12- 18 Mo, 24 Mo
Toddler sizes available – 2T, 3T, 4T
Preschool kids sizes – 4, 5, 6, 7
Youth sizes : XS, S, M, L, XL
Shop Wisconsin Newborn and Baby or Toddler / Preschool Apparel at Fans Edge
Amazon – Huge online retailer. One of the largest and well known Online stores in the world. Many people enjoy shopping with retailers that they are familiar with. Amazon would fit that mold with most online shoppers. In fact, if you have shopped with them before all of your personal information may already be saved in your customers account and it will make checking out all that much easier.
Website navigation : If you are shopping by size for infants you should enter the terms :
(Wisconsin Badgers + number of months) So for example if you are looking for Wisconsin Badgers 0-6m t-shirts you should enter “Pittsburgh Steelers 6 months” Using the search term”months” rather than “M” or “MO” will give you the best results.
Amazon’s Store Policies
Return Policy – 30 days.. This short policy can be a drawback when you are shopping for baby clothes. Especially if you will be holding on to the apparel for a special arrival, event, or birthday in the future. Babies and toddlers grow so fast, it’s hard to keep up with their current size. If this could be a problem, Fans Edge Sports or Sports Fanatics one year return policy may be a better option for you.
International shipping – Yes, Amazon ships globally.
Shipping charges – For many items (baby and toddler sports apparel included) shipping is free on orders over $35.00. However, if your purchase items do not qualify for free shipping there is a $3.99 fee for most apparel items. There will also be an additional $1.89 fee if additional items are added to the cart. This fee is for apparel items. Merchandise, home decor, and other categories may carry different charges but they only differ slightly.
Types of Wisconsin Badgers Onesie and baby apparel available : Newborn baby and infant onesies, booties, rompers, bib and bootie sets, knit beanie caps, sleeper sets, creepers.
Types of Wisconsin Badgers toddler and preschool apparel available at Amazon : T-shirts, combo tee shirt / hoodie sets, sweatshirt hoodies, jackets, sweat pants, pants and jersey set, jerseys, gripper socks, hats, cheerleading outfits (both in pink colors and Wisconsin Red and White), pink jerseys, and jackets.
Baby apparel comes in sizes : 0-3 Mo (Months), 3-6 Mo (Months), 6-9 Mo (Months), 9-12 Mo (Months), 18 Mo (Months), 24 Mo (Months)
Toddler apparel comes in sizes : 2T, 3T, 4T
Preschool apparel comes in sizes : 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Shop Wisconsin Baby, Toddler, and Preschool Apparel at Amazon
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